Ok, so 3 things I have witnessed and/or experienced in the past few days have really made me question the Orange County life of materialism. For years I have defended the fact that I think I am a well-rounded individual who was raised in Orange County and it is not that bad of a place! I became sick of friends in other parts of the country saying "I could never raise a family in Orange County!" I will still defend that it can be done and plenty of people are doing it, but I was reminded of the materialism and rudeness of people in the OC. Story # 1: I was in a clothing store waiting to make my purchase and in front of me was a dad and his 2 daughters. As the lady behind the counter was ringing up what looked like a mountain of clothes, the oldest daughter (let's say she is about 15) began scream at her dad, with her arms crossed, "dad, you have to buy me that purse, i need it! You're buying me that purse!" as the battle continues the dad keeps saying NO! So I think, ok this dad will stick to his guns, right!? No way! He gives in, I couldn't believe how ridiculous the girl and the dad looked, in a store full of people! Story #2: I was at the Mission Viejo Mall the other day and I noticed the cutest little girl, she could not have been more than two. As she was rummaging through the clothes I noticed some thing...no way, they make those? yes, a two year old in Seven jeans! Are you kidding me? Story # 3: this is a short one, this lady completely ran me over in the mall, we hit shoulders so hard and she said nothing!!! It was at that moment that I began to think, are the people in Oklahoma like this? My guess is NO, but I will find out shortly!
So when you are out and about the next time take a moment to observe people and see if you catch some of the things I have seen!