Well, let's see...this is my last week in the office and I got to tell you it's been a lot harder than I thought. I have been trying to suppress my feelings so that I can make it through the next few weeks before the wedding as a sane bride. Well, my plans didn't work out so well. Tuesday I had what felt like the last meeting ever with my boss, Wednesday was my last event ever with this ministry, and today, well, let's just say it's been the worst. I had to do my "exit interview" which is basically signing papers saying I am leaving on my own accord. And then it really hit me, I am leaving, a job I love, students I adore, and staff that has been like a family to me. Kind of sad. The poor Human resource lady today got the brunt of my tears and then Annie and Elizabeth were back at the office to comfort me. Most of our staff has been gone all week, the entire High school staff is gone and well, that's sad. Not that I won't get my goodbyes later, but I missed out on the last little times of memories, walking into the building and seeing the same bright and shining faces I love to see everyday. I know that just cuz I am moving away doesn't mean the relationships are ending, but I have realized that I really hate goodbyes. Please, don't misunderstand my tears for disappointment, I am the luckiest girl in the world to be marrying such an amazing Godly man who loves me more than words can express and I him. It's just the change of the whole thing. I know the Lord is 100% calling us to Oklahoma, praying that its for only a time in our lives, I will be obedient to that. I know he can do great things through a true California girl moving to the middle of the country, I am just anxious to see what it looks like! I think I just needed a day to be sad, I hope that tomorrow is different. The official last day...hmmm, I'll let you know how it goes. If you read this and don't mind saying a quick prayer for John and I and the adventure we will dive into very soon here, I'd really appreciate it!