Saturday, September 15, 2007

Will life every slow down?

Well, I am catching a plane tonight to head back to Oklahoma to celebrate and mourn the life of John's grandfather. He passed away last night with his family at his side. Fortunately, John was out there this weekend for a wedding, now I just have to get there. We will come back tuesday morning. Prayer would be great!


Allison said...

Oh...I'm so sorry! I will totally be praying for you!

phil shinners said...

I was so sorry to hear about your loss! We will certainly be praying for you both. We will miss you this weekend, and hey...please don't ever, ever go on a Target and Home Goods spree without inviting me next time. Never, ever. For reallies!!!

phil shinners said...

oh, crud...phil's post is from me Alicia. That's a little awkward.

rachel said...

Hey- is there anything i can do for you guys? I'm praying for you right this second!