Thursday, October 16, 2008

list 'o' stuff to do...

So, I am just about to leave for lunch, then a meeting, then hanging out with students, but I am overwhelmed with thoughts of all I need to to at home. So I decided I would write the list here instead of a piece of paper I will probably lose.

finish laundry
grocery shop
clean out car
wash car
oil change for both cars
carve pumpkins
call for carpet cleaning
pay bills (boo!)
clean out garage
put stuff on craigslist
get dresser from parents
re-paint bookshelf and dresser
put up giant frames
clean out closest (give stuff away)
hair cut (potential dye job too) I just have no time.
start planning x-mas gifts (I know trying to get a jump on things)

ok, lunch time.

1 comment:

Trinity Bat Co. said...

my current list is a near mirror-image of yours (minus a few things)... good luck checking stuff off the list! see you in the morning! (then we can both check that off the list!)