Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I have the most wonderful husband in the world!

So I came down with a slight cold last night and maybe just exhaustion. Anyway, I slept llike 10 hours, which, is very unusual for me. Anyway, this morning, John was making waffles and I really wanted love a bowl of cereal, but I had no milk.

You see the first thing we learned in our marriage is to compromise. I drink skim milk and he really likes 2%, so you would think the compromise would be 1%, right? oh no, not for us. We each have our own milk in the fridge. haha!

My milk

John's milk

So John had plenty of milk, but I had none. So what do you think he did? Well, he is wonderful, he let me lay on the couch and he went and got me my skim milk! I freaking love this guy for more reasons than milk!


Anonymous said...

That is sooooo sweet!!!! So I'm guessing your cereal was great?!

:) And that picture of you guys with the car down just looks should tell people it's yours.

Just kidding...right?!

Jordan said...

i got a blog! i dont know if itll work if i post a comment?