Friday, July 13, 2007

Our last day in California...

Our last days in the great state of California were wonderful...take a look!

just finished packing the trailer..

my great brother, I miss you!

my wonderful fam, I don't know why my sister looks possessed?

our last dinner with my fam was at my favorite sushi place, Mosun, in Laguna Beach

my sweet momma!

saying goodbye to my car, I know I complained about it a lot, but hey I had it for a long time.

last night at the Blakeney's with Allison Murray


E.Money said...

the picture of you hugging your car made me laugh! :)

Amanda said...

Hiya! Looks like you had a wonderful trip back home. Man, you need those little windows of CA love once you move away, don't you!? So invigorating! Thanks for your post on my blog, too! Love keeping tabs--keep posting! =)

Allison Murray said...

was this before or after i cried....oh wait...that was the whole night. ha.

miss you friend. call me when you get some time, i'm sure you're enjoying your mom being there!!!
love you!!

Allison said...

Heard you might be coming for a visit soon?